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Life is messy! So let's get messy and talk about everything in life and how we don't always know what to do but we can have fun and get messy going through it together. At "Everything's Messy Podcast" we aim to break the silence around chronic illness and messy life experiences and create a supportive community.  Our mission is twofold: Foster open conversations about chronic illnesses, offering a safe space for people to share their experiences and find common ground.  But also to include messy life experiences that include; family, life, health, wellness, and everything in between.  At "Everything's Messy" we are not the "before" or "after" picture; we are your companions on the journey.  Our culture is rooted in validation and empowerment.  We strive to ensure that every individual feels heard and understood, rejecting the dismissive, "you're crazy" narrative often encountered in the medical world.  We emphasize that what you're feeling is real, no matter what that might be.  But it's not just about the journey; we believe in having fun along the way.  Our culture recognizes that healing and growth can be challenging, but we emphasize the importance of finding joy and laughter in the process.  Together, we are building  a compassionate community that supports each other through the messy and beautiful moments of life!