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#24 Embracing National Heart Month and Reflecting on a Second Chance

On this episode of the Everything's Messy Podcast we're diving into the significance of National Heart Month, a time to raise awareness about heart health. Join me as I candidly reflect on my two-year journey post-heart attack, expressing immense gratitude for a second chance at life. I share my experiences and the profound impact that this anniversary holds for me. It's a celebration of resilience and the courage to continue putting one foot in front of the other. I chat about the importance of being your own advocate for health, particularly for women. I encourage listeners to take an active role in their well-being, emphasizing the significance of regular health check-ups and being attuned to your body's signals. Life is a delicate balance, and often we find ourselves prioritizing the needs of others. By taking care of ourselves, we ensure we're in the best position to care for those around us. Delving into the significance of exercise, I discuss its positive impact on heart health. I share some eye-opening statistics about heart disease to underscore the importance of a proactive approach to physical well-being. As we navigate National Heart Month, let this episode serve as a reminder to cherish each heartbeat, embrace second chances, and prioritize our health. Together, let's advocate for ourselves and for those we care about. Thank you for joining me on this episode of the Everything's Messy Podcast. Until next time, take care of your hearts and each other.

Everything’s Messy Podcasteverythingsmessy@gmail.comFacebook: Everything’s Messy PodcastInstagram: @everythingsmessypodcast X:@everythingsmesYou Tube: Everything’s Messy

Dream Weaver Media Co:https://dreamweavermedia.co
